Your passion helps you have great relationships with lovers, family and friends
It seems to me that there are few things more important than relationships with lovers, family and friends.Living your life with passion has a huge impact on your relationships.
Here are 7 key strategies to provoke your thinking on how and why this linkage between passion and relationships is so strong.
1. The willingness to be true to yourself.
Stop trying to appeal to everybody: you won’t! Yet, to whom will you appeal? This is almost impossible to answer, particularly since every person experiences life uniquely, through the filters of their subconscious minds. And it is our subconscious minds that enable us, indeed drive us, to create our beliefs and behaviors.
Therefore, the most effective strategy is to be true to your own beliefs and values, and to be true to how you wish to live your life; those with whom you come into contact can then make their own choices on whether they are attracted to you or not. You become ‘authentic’.
2. Doing the work to discover and pursue your passion.
I have been researching and speaking on the topic of passion for over 18 years, and have pursued my passions for over 50 years. What is ‘passion’? It is a source of unlimited energy from your soul, or spirit, or heart that enables you to produce extraordinary results.
When you are passionate, you immediately raise your personal energy and become far more attractive to other human beings. As the law of gravity states: the inter-attractiveness of a body to another is determined by its mass, and your passion increases your metaphysical mass. You will stand out from the crowd, and others will notice you more readily.
3. The willingness to simplify your life.
There is too much ‘stuff’’ in our lives that does not fulfill us, nurture us, or give us lasting joy.
When you discover your passion, you are more able to decide what is important to you. You can discard unnecessary complexities that you are hoarding, or pursuing, ‘just in case’ they might make you happy. Simplifying your life creates time for you to devote to your relationships that have been created because you are being true to you.
4. The willingness to be vulnerable.
I learned a long time ago that when vulnerability meets vulnerability, it creates intimacy. Intimacy is the hallmark of great relationships.
When you are vulnerable, open, honest, courageous, and true to yourself, other people are more likely to feel your essence and respond similarly Then intimacy can be created, and you need to spend less time proving your commitment to the relationships: others become less demanding because the feeling of intimacy is a powerful glue that holds the relationships.
5. Allow others to be true to themselves.
Release your need for others to behave in ways that suit you. If you are going to be true to yourself, then allow others to do the same. That way, you can more quickly decide whether you are truly attracted to another person, or whether it’s their ‘act’ that has drawn you in. Real and valuable relationships can form more quickly.
6. Adopt the concept of ‘Parallel Thinking’.
Edward de Bono’s book ‘Parallel Thinking’ beautifully explores our 3000-year tradition of Western philosophical thought that proposes there is ‘truth’ to be discovered in any issue. De Bono however says there are often times when competing ideas or thoughts can run ‘in parallel’ because there is no truth: for example, in designing a new car or a new building.
By allowing parallel thoughts to run in your relationships, you become much more flexible, leading to less conflict about what is right, wrong, true or untrue, and you become much more lovable and fun to be with.
7. The willingness to learn the principles of time management.
I have worked with many time poor executives over the past 18 years, in both corporate groups and as their executive coach. I am appalled by the quality of time management skills of most of them!
Develop your ability to protect your time and invest it in matters that are of importance to you, particularly the building of great relationships. There are many sources available to learn these skills. If you invest your time in developing these skills, you will enjoy a remarkable reduction in stress and a remarkable increase in your experience of the many joys of life.
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