NIBIRU blocked from Google Sky...Why????

Kalau gak ngerti artinya silahkan dicopas di google translate aja yaw :P heheheh,,,,

Came across some info so I went onto Google Earth, viewed the Sky and typed in co-ordinates 5h 53m 27s, -6 10′ 58
  These are screen shots of what I found!!

Image 1: Shows wide shot of a few constellations, notice Orion (KEY point of info)

1. Constellations including Orion

Image 2: Shows closer image of just Orion and the Dog Star below!  (NB – Bottom left of the shot..notice anything?  If not…)

2. Orions Belt

Image 3 : Closer in on Dog Star?  Look left….

3. Below Orion is the Dog Star? Look far left...

Image 4: Stars and a blacked out grid???

4. Blacked out rectangular grid

Image 5: Closer still to show its not some monolithic black hole….check the bottom, clearly shows half of some star chopped off.

5. A star has been chopped off

Image 6: There’s a text box which actually says that this image has been blocked and is hidden!!  WHY???

6. Caption reads 'this part has been made hidden'
This is what should be there -

Image 7 & 8:  This is where Nibiru has been seen and what it should look like!!  Why is it being blocked?  Cos it’s getting bigger and nearer….soon we will see it in the sky!!

7. Nibiru/Planet X should be shown

8. The Real Nibiru

Therefore, CHECK constellation of Orion!!  I may be wrong but it’s still interesting!!
Once again we have the CIA operated system that is Google using censorship to block real truths for their own uses.  What is it they’re afraid of?  What is their reasons for this?  What is Nibiru and what does it bring?  If anything?


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